Digital Tutors Previsualization Techniques in MotionBuilder (Previsualization工具高級技術訓練教學) 英文正式版
術訓練教學,時長47分,附工程原始檔案,使用軟體:Autodesk MotionBuilder 2012
,作者:Delano Athias
Digital-Tutors Previsualization Techniques in MotionBuilder
47 min. 28 sec. | October 3, 2011 | Autodesk MotionBuilder 2012 |
Author: Delano Athias
In this series of lessons, we'll learn how to work with MotionBuilder
as a previsualization tool. We'll begin the course by first animating
a stand-in object, which will give us an idea of where our character
will be placed through our shots. We'll then work with cameras, adding
camera animation, and learn how use MotionBuilder's Camera Switcher
for camera cuts. Finally, we'll learn how to retarget animation, how
to add particles, and lights until we have completed pre-visualizing
our story! By the end of this course, you will learn how to use
MotionBuilder to pre-visualize your ideas, to work more efficiently
and creatively, so that more of your time and effort can be spend on
polishing and finalizing your scenes!